PWC Visit

This week Room 10 had an opportunity to read with PWC,my group (group 4) had Shekhina,We first read Boy and the grasshopper. Shekhinah was kind enough to help me read it.But all the things aside i would like to say thank you to the whole of PWC for taking their time out to come to glenbrae and to read with us.

Blake Nz Vr

today room 10 was lucky enough to have a look and to learn all about how to keep our oceans clean.There is one island called 1st Marine island that is protected by fish and many things.They also taught us about a sailor named Sir Peter Blake.He was very famous and was known for being in the american sailing cup.They told us how to stop polluting the ocean and how to keep the ocean clean.A round of applause for Jamal for being brave enough to say the on behalf of room 10 and Glenbrae school. Thank You Blake New Zealand VR

Embedding different types of DLO’s

Embedding learning into our Blogs – Using Google Docs 

By Zion.F]\

There are lots of different types of digital learning objects we embed into our blogs on a daily basis.

My favorite thing to share on my blog is Reading 

The easiest learning to share is my writing in Google Docs, simply just Copy and Paste it from the Google Doc onto your blog. However, don’t forget to use CTRL + SHIFT + V so that it gets rid of the formatting. You can always change the formatting on your blog.

Take a look at the other ways below



Ko Wai Au – About Me

Talofa lava my name is Zion and I am a student at  school.I am 12 years old and a year 7. I like to play rugby,basketball and ripper rugby.My favourite subjects in school is writing and sometimes maths.I live in Glen innes Auckland.My nationality is Samoan,Niuean and Cook island. My favourite movie/series is On my block I really like that movie because it showcases a lot of things.My favourite food is butter chicken.Also my favourite game is Warzone because I like the competitive game modes.My favourite shoes is any type of jordans and any type of air forces.I really like the rapper Kay Flock because he has a good flow.Thank you for learning about me.

Thank you PWC

Thank you PWC for giving your time to come to Glenbrae school.We really appreciate it,I want to thank Harriet for taking in my group and reading with us, That meant a lot to me and my group.We also thank Harriet for teaching us alot about Toitoi Thank you alot PWC !

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